About the Race
There are two different athlete styles available to register as: Full Body Fitness (FBF) and Runners & Walkers (R&W).
To be able to compete the FBF workout stations one should be able to complete the following movements:
- Box Jumps/Step Ups
- Burpees
- Kettlebell Work (Sumo deadlift high pulls, Shoulder to Overhead, Goblet Squats, Swings)
- Monkey Bars
- Mountain Climbers
- Overhead Carry
- Plate Presses
- Pull-Ups
- Push-Ups
- Rowing
- Sit-ups
- Wall Walks
*Modifications for each exercise will be available at each station.

Race Day Schedule
7:15-9:00am – Athlete check-in at CrossFit Excursion
7:45am – Fist Wave of Full Body Fitness (FBF) athletes transported to Jim Mayer Trailhead (Transportation Provided) *Shuttle leave 60 Walnut Street promptly 15 minutes before each wave.
8:30am – First Wave of FBF Athletes Start*
8:50am – Second Wave of FBF Athletes Start*
9:20am – Third Wave of FBF Athletes Start*
9:40am – Runner & Walkers (R&W) Athletes Start*
10:00am – Food trucks start serving and bar cart opens
10:20-10:50am – Live Music Begins with The Dead and The Hungry
11:00-1:00pm – Black Cat Moan
What's in it for me?
Full Body Fitness Athletes $69 – This ticket is for athletes who are looking to complete the workout stations in a fun and unique fitness experience in and around Johnstown. There may be a unique opportunity for you to cross something off of your bucket list!
Runners & Walkers Athletes $49 – This ticket is for athletes who are looking for a fun and unique run/walk experience in and around Johnstown. There may be a unique opportunity for you to cross something off of your bucket list too!
ALL ATHLETES will receive:
- Race Ticket
- Finisher Swag
- Access to Post Race Party complete with live entertainment, food and drinks!
- Celebratory beer (Must be 21+) or recovery drink
- Climate controlled bathrooms and changing area. Additional, portable bathrooms will be available in the CrossFit Excursion parking lot.
- Designated warm-up and cool down areas with foam rollers, barbells, kettlebells, plyoboxes, etc.